Saturday 1 November 2014
Speed of PC depends on Ram and Processor, however certain other factors change the speed of PC. Proper maintenance speeds up, even with low RAM and Processor. Many models with 4 GB memory random access memory work better than 8 GB. A little care can boost performance.

Light the Windows Drive

Most of computers come with multiple drives. Windows is often installed in C folder. Keep that file light. Also install applications in folders except C. Doing so optimizes your engine. Loading applications and multimedia files slows down the speed, so keep all such files in D,E or any other folder. While installing new OS, create multiple drives. Allocate 20% of total memory space for Window.

Light desktop

Putting files on desktop also lags computers. Keep desktop icons less than 10. Many application offer you to put icons on desktop. This setup provide ease of navigation, but this reduces RAM performance also.

Delete applications

Installing lots of applications and software badly impact the output. Most of apps work in background. They take memory and battery of your laptops. So delete all programs that are not in your use. Use only one browser, instead of multiple browsers. Avoid heavy weighted games that take couple of Gb's.

Install antivirus

Another important factor for turtle speeds is virus. Virus files double themselves and then attack your thus interfering tasks. In worst cases your device can damage. To avoid this problem many antivirus programs are available. Avira, Panda, NOD, Avast include some of them. Default program named as Defender also helps in scanning.

Optimizing drives

Optimizing disk drives increase efficiency of PC. Repeat the process once in a month for best outcome. Optimization option is available by default. Go to disk drive. Open the properties menu. Check for Tools options. Tools option contain error checking and optimize option. Former one checks all possible problems that can occur, later one checks for all other factors required for optimization.
Performing above options surpass working of your machine.


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