Sunday 10 May 2015
Typing is process of writing text. The term is specified for writing text with our hands. Kids like games. So this activity can be utilized for learning this process.

How to use typing games for kids

Numerous typing game with high quality graphics are available. Many offline games as well as online games are available for learning. Offline games can be downloaded to disk by parents and kids can play these for improving their typing skills. To use online games, simply launch websites and search over internet. List below includes online as well as offline typing games.

Arcade plane | Offline typing game

This game is especially for kids who love planes. Arcade plane has beautiful graphics. Your plane moves in air. Enemies are in front to stop you. Fight the enemies by pressing keys. Games start with easy to type words containing three characters. Later on characters increase depending on the progress, obviously typing skills will also improve time by time. Link of all mentioned games is attached in end.
Plane game for improving typing skills of kids.

Rapid typing zone

Rapid zone is an online website. Variety of many tutorials and games are available to learn typing for kids. Launching page of website contains various typing topics. Kids can learn by typing tutor and various interesting games. There are many challenges available to show you skills over the website. Some kids feel difficult to put fingers over keyboard. To resolve this difficulty different techniques are also available on the website.
Rapid typing zone games for improving kids typing skills

Fun to type

Tim improve kids typing speed fun to type is best platform. Providing a wide range of online games the website has beautiful graphics. Keyboard ninja, Type a balloon, learning master and keyboard climber are best games on the plat form.
All these games are designed to provide easy gateway for kids. Such applications provide good source of entertainment with learning. Check links of all games here. All these game provide an easy access to learn "Typing for kids".


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