Friday 10 October 2014
Fiverr is online global market. Providing users an opportunity of selling their products. It offers buyers to purchase their required products. Earning money online has became easy now. Fiverr helps you to earn money online. Most people want to know "How does fiverr works". Proper utilization of Fiverr can give $100's of dollars.
Image showing how does fiverr works to make gigs
Process seems very easy. A proper strategy with little hard work is needed. The site is highly competitive, millions of gigs are posted daily. For standing in these you need tactics. 5 Fiverr tips to create attractive gigs are:
  • Proper Gig title
  • Category selection
  • Description
  • Tags
  • Socializing

Proper gig title | How to write gig title on Fiverr

Proper gig titles have more number of impressions. Length of proper gig title is 50 characters. Recent researches proved this. When we used Gig title with 50 characters. There were 5000 impressions in one day. We got 13 orders for that gig. When we used 60 characters we got 2000 impressions and 4 orders. For 40 characters we got 250 impressions and 1 order.
Write a gig showing the informative detail of your work. Avoid sentences like
will create an awesome logo designed in beautiful way.
Instead of this use
will provide logo in Adobe Illustrator, ps format.
Tell the user what you provide, and in what kind of formats you can provide.

Category selection | Gigs that are most searched

Category selection on Fiverr is most important. People search gigs on design. Our team also worked on that. For infgraphs, logo and designing we got 100's of orders. For writing categories we got less than 10. Select right category related to your gig title.


Description is most important thing. It tells detail of what your product is, and how your product works. Avoid unnecessary details. Write description of 250 characters. Split it in to two paragraphs. Use bullets for showing features.Providing right details improves user experience. Avoid boosting.


Tags are most important. Tags provide users in searching right products. Use five tags. Avoid unnecessary tags. For logo some example are business logo, business mark design. Using them properly will make your logo more visible. It will provide users information, and they will feel no difficult in contacting you.

Socializing gig

Socialize gig on all platforms. Sharing gig on Facebook will tell friends what you provide. Maybe they want to get your services. Sharing gigs on Google+ give you chance of visibility over search engine. While using Twitter use proper hash tags like (hash tag)Fiverr. It will help you in visibility over search engines.


Utilizing Fiverr is very easy. Students can fulfil their education expenses by it. Creating gigs with proper title and description helps buyer for getting info about product. For winning customers you need to provide quality to maximum extent. I hope after reading this post you come to know 5 Fiverr tips to create gigs.


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