Sunday, 10 May 2015
Typing is process of writing text. The term is specified for writing text with our hands. Kids like games. So this activity can be utilized for learning this process.

How to use typing games for kids

Numerous typing game with high quality graphics are available. Many offline games as well as online games are available for learning. Offline games can be downloaded to disk by parents and kids can play these for improving their typing skills. To use online games, simply launch websites and search over internet. List below includes online as well as offline typing games.

Arcade plane | Offline typing game

This game is especially for kids who love planes. Arcade plane has beautiful graphics. Your plane moves in air. Enemies are in front to stop you. Fight the enemies by pressing keys. Games start with easy to type words containing three characters. Later on characters increase depending on the progress, obviously typing skills will also improve time by time. Link of all mentioned games is attached in end.
Plane game for improving typing skills of kids.

Rapid typing zone

Rapid zone is an online website. Variety of many tutorials and games are available to learn typing for kids. Launching page of website contains various typing topics. Kids can learn by typing tutor and various interesting games. There are many challenges available to show you skills over the website. Some kids feel difficult to put fingers over keyboard. To resolve this difficulty different techniques are also available on the website.
Rapid typing zone games for improving kids typing skills

Fun to type

Tim improve kids typing speed fun to type is best platform. Providing a wide range of online games the website has beautiful graphics. Keyboard ninja, Type a balloon, learning master and keyboard climber are best games on the plat form.
All these games are designed to provide easy gateway for kids. Such applications provide good source of entertainment with learning. Check links of all games here. All these game provide an easy access to learn "Typing for kids".
Saturday, 1 November 2014
Speed of PC depends on Ram and Processor, however certain other factors change the speed of PC. Proper maintenance speeds up, even with low RAM and Processor. Many models with 4 GB memory random access memory work better than 8 GB. A little care can boost performance.

Light the Windows Drive

Most of computers come with multiple drives. Windows is often installed in C folder. Keep that file light. Also install applications in folders except C. Doing so optimizes your engine. Loading applications and multimedia files slows down the speed, so keep all such files in D,E or any other folder. While installing new OS, create multiple drives. Allocate 20% of total memory space for Window.

Light desktop

Putting files on desktop also lags computers. Keep desktop icons less than 10. Many application offer you to put icons on desktop. This setup provide ease of navigation, but this reduces RAM performance also.

Delete applications

Installing lots of applications and software badly impact the output. Most of apps work in background. They take memory and battery of your laptops. So delete all programs that are not in your use. Use only one browser, instead of multiple browsers. Avoid heavy weighted games that take couple of Gb's.

Install antivirus

Another important factor for turtle speeds is virus. Virus files double themselves and then attack your thus interfering tasks. In worst cases your device can damage. To avoid this problem many antivirus programs are available. Avira, Panda, NOD, Avast include some of them. Default program named as Defender also helps in scanning.

Optimizing drives

Optimizing disk drives increase efficiency of PC. Repeat the process once in a month for best outcome. Optimization option is available by default. Go to disk drive. Open the properties menu. Check for Tools options. Tools option contain error checking and optimize option. Former one checks all possible problems that can occur, later one checks for all other factors required for optimization.
Performing above options surpass working of your machine.
Friday, 10 October 2014
Fiverr is online global market. Providing users an opportunity of selling their products. It offers buyers to purchase their required products. Earning money online has became easy now. Fiverr helps you to earn money online. Most people want to know "How does fiverr works". Proper utilization of Fiverr can give $100's of dollars.
Image showing how does fiverr works to make gigs
Process seems very easy. A proper strategy with little hard work is needed. The site is highly competitive, millions of gigs are posted daily. For standing in these you need tactics. 5 Fiverr tips to create attractive gigs are:
  • Proper Gig title
  • Category selection
  • Description
  • Tags
  • Socializing

Proper gig title | How to write gig title on Fiverr

Proper gig titles have more number of impressions. Length of proper gig title is 50 characters. Recent researches proved this. When we used Gig title with 50 characters. There were 5000 impressions in one day. We got 13 orders for that gig. When we used 60 characters we got 2000 impressions and 4 orders. For 40 characters we got 250 impressions and 1 order.
Write a gig showing the informative detail of your work. Avoid sentences like
will create an awesome logo designed in beautiful way.
Instead of this use
will provide logo in Adobe Illustrator, ps format.
Tell the user what you provide, and in what kind of formats you can provide.

Category selection | Gigs that are most searched

Category selection on Fiverr is most important. People search gigs on design. Our team also worked on that. For infgraphs, logo and designing we got 100's of orders. For writing categories we got less than 10. Select right category related to your gig title.


Description is most important thing. It tells detail of what your product is, and how your product works. Avoid unnecessary details. Write description of 250 characters. Split it in to two paragraphs. Use bullets for showing features.Providing right details improves user experience. Avoid boosting.


Tags are most important. Tags provide users in searching right products. Use five tags. Avoid unnecessary tags. For logo some example are business logo, business mark design. Using them properly will make your logo more visible. It will provide users information, and they will feel no difficult in contacting you.

Socializing gig

Socialize gig on all platforms. Sharing gig on Facebook will tell friends what you provide. Maybe they want to get your services. Sharing gigs on Google+ give you chance of visibility over search engine. While using Twitter use proper hash tags like (hash tag)Fiverr. It will help you in visibility over search engines.


Utilizing Fiverr is very easy. Students can fulfil their education expenses by it. Creating gigs with proper title and description helps buyer for getting info about product. For winning customers you need to provide quality to maximum extent. I hope after reading this post you come to know 5 Fiverr tips to create gigs.
Saturday, 4 October 2014
In this article you will learn how to create good pretension. In today's world either you are at education, business or some other field you need to present your work and projects. Ranging from college going boys to officer worker or CEO's of organizations you need to create a good presentation. There are many application available to make presentation slides. However the best software for Creating presentation is Microsoft Power Point. This software is free available on most newly purchased Window laptops. Presently the best version available is of 2013. Here in my post i will tell you step by step tips on How to create good presentation.

How to select good presentation theme

Right after you open the Power point you are asked to select your desired theme. Here you will learn "How to select theme for presentation". There are themes available on all topics and all fields from which you can choose the one you like or is relevant to your work. In case you are a student you need to go on education, not only this but it is further divided in to sub categories like Engineering, Medical, Science, Chemistry Physics and other fields. In case of business there are also hundreds of categories from which you can choose your relevant theme and template for your work.
This image tell you how to select theme for your presentation

After selecting a proper theme now you need to proceed forward. You need to make a proper management of all the important points on which you want to focus. Also remove the weak points of project or any other data.
This image tells you how to create good slides

How to use headings and subheading in presentations

The most important thing you need to learn is how to include heading in your presentation is data. Here you need to include a short but concise and informative details of your presentation. Use a heading and sub headings on your first page.
On other pages explain these headings and add data over them. Here for an example i will explain the tips on  "how to add data". In case you have to make slide from Paragraph. 
Engineering is one of best degrees by which you can get a good job. It is also a good and honorable job. Engineers are people that shape the world by giving technology. It help you on topics such as How to revolutionize world.
Now in making slides you need to do it as
  • Heading is Engineering

Data Sub headings are
  • Best degree
  • Honorable job
  • Engineers shape world

This image tells you how to include headings and other data in presentation

Graphs and Images in presentation

Another important tip is to include images and graphs in your presentation. You must learn how to and where to include images.Adding images will explain your projects and presentations in a better way. Image can also explain and express thoughts and ideas which words cant explain. Therefore you should include images to your presentation. You can take images from your camera and simply put them in slides. In case of Education or College/ University presentations you can take images from Internet and add them.
This image tells you how to include graphs in your presentations

I hope after reading these steps you will be able to learn How to create good presentations. While selecting theme you need to look on for attractive and color themes. Use of Dark Blue and Dark colors is not advised to use as some people can have color blindness disease. In case of business you need to create official themes according to the relevant category of your business. In case of education and other websites you can choose from other categories including modern, science, technology.

Logo making defined how to

Logo making is a useful hobby by which you express your graphic qualities as well as you can use it for earning money. Most of people ask how to design logos. There are many software's available in market for this purpose. However the best software for making logo is Adobe Illustrator. This software will help you to create hobby ones as well as professional ones. You can easily learn to draw them. You don’t need any academic center or professional services for learning this. You can learn this by free eBooks and online videos available on YouTube, Daily Motion and other websites.
Image telling how to create logo with adobe illustrator

After reading my todays post you will be able to learn “Creating logos by Adobe Illustrator”
After you have got the software and have installed it you just need to show off your creative abilities. You can create logos for simple websites, bloggers and other website. In case you are doing a great work you can be hired from High edged website by which you can make the more out of this hobby.

Using adobe illustrator for earning money

Using adobe illustrator for earning money is not a difficult task. After creating a high quality logo you can show your logo on different websites and sell these on your desired prices. Here I am mentioning some websites on which you can sell your logo.


Stocklogos is one best website on which you can sell you’re your created marks on good prices. Here you can give off your designs and graphics on attractive price ranging from $100 to $10,000. However prices may vary on quality of your logo.

Brand Stock 

Here is another website on which you can meet your customers. After your customer decides to purchase your uploaded mark he will simply text you and you can get money for your work

Crowd Spring

Crowd spring is another website on which you can sell your logos to customers. Here you can meet sellers and buyers. It is also considered one of top most sites in same categories.

Logo drawing is a useful quality and skill. It is a handsome way to get money online. But for this purpose you need to work hard and learn the skills. There are many other third party services and applications by which you can draw logos from pre activated images. However the recommend one is to use “Adobe Illustrator for logos”. You can use tutorials from various website. There are many books that are available for learning all this. Two of them include Design Love and Information Graphics.

How to create custom images and videos

Most of people want to learn “How to create images and videos”. If you are running a website you need to create custom images. There are many tools available by which you can create images yourself. One of best tools is videos scribe by which you can create images. It is a useful software which you can use for creating images as well as you can add text to your images. It also contains an option of creating animations
Image telling how to use video scribe

There are two modes for using the software, one is offline and other one is online. Online software is fully active to use. In case you are offline you can still use the software, but in offline mode there are only a few options available. You can choose images from various fields including business, emotion, household items etc.
Video scribe is a premium software available on the official website of video scribe from which you can easily download it and create custom images. Kids can also use this application for fun purposes. Bloggers can use this application for creating images that can explain their blog in a good way.
Video Scribe for education
Video Scribe is a useful application for education by which teacher can created animated effects and create ideas at schools and colleges. Teacher can also include them in slides for explain the lectures by adding animation
Video Scribe for business
People from business community can also create videos for their business. You can also earn money by creating videos by this useful application and then posting these on to channels like YouTube, daily motion etc. If you are website owner and want to add custom images then you can also use video scribe for creating videos and images.
The interface of video scribe is very friendly and easy to understand. By using this software you can get many benefits including technology, custom images, custom videos, business and education help. Therefore I will recommend you to use video scribe for your website and blogs. This will greatly help you to grow your presence in a better way.
For creating custom images on video scribe you can simply make images and take screen shot of the images. Later on you can simply crop and add the images in your blogger.
I hope after reading this article you might have come to know “how to create custom images and videos using video scribe”.
Friday, 3 October 2014

How to tip for screenshot

Samsung Galaxy Grand Neo is an elegant set. This is android featured set which uses Android OS 4.2. Here I am going to tell you the tip for taking screen shot on Samsung Galaxy Grand Neo you need to press Power button along with Front button. This will capture the screenshot of your mobile phone.
Image telling how to capture screen shot in Samsung Galaxy Grand Neo

Screenshot is a technique by which you can capture the ongoing tasks on your mobile phone. You can capture the images of your text messages and share them on social media networks as well. You can also capture screen shots of your games and can share them to your friends and social media as well.
All of android devices support the screen shot techniques. You can also apply this technique and know how to capture screen on numerous other Android devices and show the world about your achievements.
After taking screen shot you can save it and edit it. If you want to hide some data from your visitors then you can simply edit the data.
Some time you can face the problem of shutdown this happens when you press the power button for long time. However it is not a difficult task you need to press power button at once with front button. You need to hold these two buttons for some moments after which your screen shot will be captured.
You can also use applications for capturing screen shot some of applications are available to use on themselves while other need a specific launcher to use. An example of screen shot capture is Go launcher in which you can capture screenshots but for this you need to install Go launcher and other messaging services by Go launcher. Doing so will make your mobile phone messy. So using android default key tips for download screen shot is better. I hope after reading this article you come to know “How to take screen shot in Samsung Galaxy Grand neo”



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